
How To Pronounce Non Timebo Mala

When I was revising a paranormal romance novel (this i), I was researching a bunch of Latin phrases almost death and Latin quotes well-nigh success then on, equally one does. I realized many of these  would be fantastic for tattoos, so I thought I would share them with y'all!

Latin mottos are appealing as tattoos for a number of different reasons. First of all, patently, these sayings take endured the test of time. They've been meaningful to Western civilization for centuries, and then you're not likely to grow tired of them speedily. Additionally, because few people speak Latin these days, their meaning is often private unless you choose to share the meaning with others. They are also, quite literally, classic. And finally, some things just sound better in Latin!

But please, you ink any of these badass Latin quotes on your skin (or engrave any of the Latin love quotes onto your wedding ceremony rings)…

Double-check the phrase'south meaning and the spelling!

Do your research and cross-reference it with other sources.

You've been warned! I'm not a Latin scholar, I'm only human, and I do brand a mistake now and again.

Badass Latin Phrases For Tattoos #badass Latin quotes #latin phrases about death #latin quotes about success #latin love quotes #the phoenix codex bryn donovan pdf #the phoenix codex free ebook

Delight note: I've gotten great suggestions in the comments, and then I've added to the list! Cheers, anybody!

ad astra per aspera – "through difficulties, to the stars"
This is the motto of the state of Kansas, and of bunches of colleges and armed forces organizations. So it's very common. But notwithstanding nice!

alis volat propriis – "she flies with her own wings" This is also popular for tattoos, and why not? It's awesome.

amor ipse notitia est – "love itself is a form of knowing"

amor vincit omnia – "love conquers all"
You lot might've known that one!

ancora imparo – "I am still learning."
It's supposedly something Michelangelo said when he was in his 80s. Pretty awesome, right?

audere eat facere – "to cartel is to practise"

aut viam inveniam aut faciam – "I will either find a way or make one"
Attributed to Hannibal. The ancient armed services commander, non the cannibal.

carpe diem – "seize the day"
A archetype.

contra felicem vix deus vires habet – "against the lucky fifty-fifty the gods are powerless"

dulce periculum – "danger is sweet"
To allow everyone know you are a badass.

dum spiro spero – "while I breathe, I hope"

Richard Armitage's graphic symbol Lucas Northward had this one on the back of his neck in the Television set show Spooks (called MI-five in the U.Southward.) North got the tattoo during the eight years he was in prison in Russian federation. Great testify, by the way. A variation suggested in the comments is: quamdiu spirabo, numquam despondebo – "as long as I breathe, I will never quit"

esto quod es – "be what you are"

ex favilla nos resurgemus – "from the ashes we will rise"

excelsior – "ever higher"
The motto of the late, cracking Stan Lee. (And also Bradley Cooper'due south character in Silver Linings Playbook.)

fiat lux – "let there be light"
From the book of Genesis in the Bible.

finis vitae sed not amoris – "the end of life, but non of love"
This would be appropriate for a memorial tattoo.

fortes fortuna adiuvat – "fortune favors the assuming"
I actually think this is the rare phrase that sounds better in English language, but that'south but me.

fortis et liber – "strong and free"

frango dura patientia – "I break hard things through perservereance"
This makes me think of how drops of water…the softest things in the world…can bore a hole through solid rock over time.

ignis aurum probat – "fire tests aureate"
This might be overnice if you've been through some bad times lately.

in omnia paratus – "set up for anything"
Another choice for a badass. This is also the motto of the U.S. Ground forces's 18th Infantry Regiment, but you lot can use it too.

invictus maneo – "I remain unvanquished"

lege atque lacrima – "read 'em and weep"

As noted past the anonymous commenter who kindly contributed this one, it's perfect for poker aficianados!

luctor et emergo- "I struggle and emerge"

(Cheers for this one, Sara!)

memento vivere – "think to alive"
Like to "carpe diem."

minima maxima sunt – "The smallest things are the virtually of import."
This might be a skilful tattoo after you have a baby. For yous, not the baby.

not ducor, duco – "I am non led; I lead"
Y'all tell 'em, honey.

not timebo mala – "I volition fear no evil"
I love the sound of this Latin phrase. I know from the Television set bear witness Supernatural, because information technology'due south inscribed on the barrel of a Colt that tin kill demons. Of course, information technology'due south from Psalm 23 in the Bible.

omnia causa flunt – "Everything happens for a reason."
I do not believe this, personally, simply I know lots of people practice.

pax aeterna – "eternal peace"
Might be a graceful alternative to "R.I.P." for a memorial tattoo.

per volar sunata – "built-in to soar"
Damn right you were!

primum non nocere – "commencement, do no harm"
This sentiment is the nearly famous function of the Hippocratic oath for physicians, and the Wiccan rede paraphrases it ("an you harm none, exercise as y'all will.") No thing who you are, information technology'due south a swell philosophy to live past.

pulchrum est paucorum hominum – "Dazzler is for the few"
A tattoo for the smugly attractive.

quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris – "for dust you are, and unto grit you shall return"

quid advertizing infinitum – "what is it in the light of eternity?" Or, what does it matter in the space scheme? (Thanks for this, Susan!)

semper advert meliora – "e'er toward ameliorate things"

tempus fugit – "fourth dimension flies"

totus tuus – totally yours"
So romantic!

usque advertisement finem – "to the very end"

veni et pugna, a die bono non est mori – "I came to fight, it is a adept day to die"

vincit qui se vincit – "ane conquers who conquers himelf"
This would be amazing for a recovered addict…possibly to celebrate a year or more of sobriety?

vivamus, moriendum est ~ "let us live, since nosotros must die"

I love that last one peculiarly!

Badass Latin Phrases For Tattoos #inspirational quotes #life mottos

Do yous have others to add together, or do you take a phrase (in any language) that means a lot to you? Let u.s. know in the comments! And you might also be interested in checking out this postal service: Cute French Phrases for Tattoos, Instagram, Facebook…Or Just to Inspire You.

Desire to check out the book that inspired the research? The Phoenix Codex is the commencement book in my serial nigh the hole-and-corner social club chosen Mitt Sancti.

THE PHOENIX CODEX by Bryn Donovan #best paranormal romance books 2017 #urban fantasy #secret society book

Thank you then much for reading, and I hope y'all have a great week!

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